The Unforgettable Night
Words can’t capture what the eyes saw that night. What an event it was. From the moment it began, all the way up until it ended, نور على نور (light upon light)!
A Remarkable Overflow of Attendees
A gathering which had thousands of brothers and sisters attending from up and down the country, for one reason, and one reason only, to thank Allah for the gift He has blessed us with, in the form of Sayyiduna RasulAllah ﷺ. Just the sisters that were counted and registered exceeded 3,500. We lost count of the brothers and had no solid idea after the initial hour of the event because of the overwhelming overflow. We thought the Markaz was going to explode with the lovers of RasulAllah ﷺ.
A Spectacle of Love for RasulAllah ﷺ
What a spectacle, Alhamdulillah. In any post of celebration, we have to do our duty and mention that which many people brush under the carpet. As unfortunate as it is, and as much as I’d hate to say it, I just feel that it’s a need of the hour to remind ourselves that the vast majority of the gatherings that we see today don’t do the public much good.
The Purpose of Gatherings
A standard modern-day gathering will have an audience who might wave their hands around at a few Naat recitations (sometimes written by ignorants), chant some slogans while listening to a message they don’t truly understand, have some traditional food, and go home to retire to sleep, only waking up to repeat a cycle of ignorance and disobedience.
My intention here isn’t to point fingers or disrespect those who arrange mehfils like the ones I’m alluding to, but to remind our brothers and sisters that we should always have a Maqsad and purpose in our gatherings. We need to really start asking ourselves whether our gatherings are bettering us as Muslims, whether they’re increasing our love for Sayyiduna RasulAllah ﷺ, and whether we’re gaining practical knowledge that we can apply in our day-to-day lives.
The Grand Mawlid at Kanz ul Huda
The Grand Mawlid at Kanz ul Huda proved to be one of this nature. It was not only spiritually uplifting but also extremely pragmatic for the brothers and sisters in attendance. Shaykh Sāqib’s three-hour lecture really hit home and woke those in attendance. All halls at Kanz ul Huda’s Markaz were jam-packed and overflowing with people listening attentively to the time-relevant and engrossing lecture.
Spiritual Impact on the Audience
Having thousands upon thousands of brothers and sisters in different halls and marques completely silent, engaged, and absorbed during the entirety of the lecture isn’t something that people see every day. There were moments in which we saw tears rolling down the cheeks of the infants and elderly alike, and everyone took home something special that night.
Reviving Love for RasulAllah ﷺ
Loving RasulAllah ﷺ is an integral part of our faith, and anything which ignites the fire of His love within our hearts is immeasurable. Therefore, trying to list the excellences of this grand Mawlid gathering isn’t something which is realistic, as it was a gathering that revived an exemplary yearning for The Beloved ﷺ.
A Night of Truth and Reflection
I’m truly honoured to be part of a gathering which saw endless crowds of people spilling into the different halls and marques at Kanz ul Huda taking home nothing but the truth. Mysteries of Al Qur’ān Al Kareem and multiple narrations from the life of RasulAllah ﷺ were taught in such a way that we have Yaqeen, Allāh willing, that the listeners will hold these powerful words of guidance close to their hearts and use them as a navigating compass throughout their lives.
Heartwarming Moments of Rectification
Seeing youngsters come in their thousands and making solid intentions of rectification was truly heartwarming. Even if only one person changes his life through anyone of us, we have hope that he will be a means of our salvation. As Shaykh Sāqib’s lecture, which lasted longer than three hours, was coming to a close, a young brother decided he wanted to enter the fold of Al Islam. Similarly, a sister who was also in attendance decided to take her shahadah some moments after Shaykh Sāqib completed his lecture.
Witnessing Sacred Moments
We hear and read narrations in which different people would attend gatherings of Mawlid and mend their ways. Many would rectify themselves and make Tawbah from their sinful pasts. We would also hear how people would come to gatherings of Mawlid and accept the beautiful message of Al Islam. Alhamdulillah, by the divine favour of Allāh, we now don’t only read these narrations in books or hear of them by the speakers or the elderly but have first-hand experience of witnessing these sacred moments with our own eyes. We can never thank our Creator enough!
Despite our efforts to provide countless additional parking spaces at Adderly Park compared to previous years, we acknowledge that this was still insufficient. Many of our brothers and sisters had to park far away, and some may have been unable to attend the gathering altogether. On behalf of myself and the entire Kanz ul Huda team, we sincerely apologise for the inconvenience caused.
We are committed to making further arrangements in the future and will do everything within our means to ensure a far better experience in future events. For our sisters and young children in the extra marquees, we ensure that next year, more space will be available.
Gratitude to the Kanz ul Huda Team
I would like to extend my heartfelt gratitude and thankfulness to The Kanz ul Huda team who worked tirelessly day and night to make it all happen. Undoubtedly the spiritual, serene, and safe environment was a testimony to your hard work and efforts.
Conclusion: Continuing the Praise of RasulAllah ﷺ
I end on the words of our Imam, Ala Hazrat Imam Ahmad Ridha:
Khaaq ho jaen aduw jal kar magar hum tho Raza,
Dam me jab tak dam he zikr unka sunate jaaenge!
(Let His enemies burn and turn into ash, Oh Raza!
As long as we have a breath within us, We will continue in His Praise!)—————————————————–
For those who missed the event or want to relive the experience, we have a special highlight video available. Watch the full coverage on our YouTube channel here: Grand Mawlid at Kanz ul Huda Event Highlights.
We are grateful for the overwhelming support and attendance, and we hope this video captures the spirit of the night.