An Empowering Sisters Only Mawlid: A Celebration of Faith and Sisterhood

An Empowering Sisters Only Mawlid: A Celebration of Faith and Sisterhood

An evening of faith, love, and sisterhood dedicated to celebrating the birth of the Prophet ﷺ

Yesterday, the sisters of Kanz ul Huda hosted a remarkable Mawlid gathering, drawing together more than a thousand women to celebrate the birth of our beloved Prophet Muhammad ﷺ. The atmosphere was imbued with love, joy, and a deep sense of spirituality, as sisters united to reflect, learn, and reconnect with their faith through this sacred occasion.

A Blend of Devotion and Knowledge

The evening was a blend of devotion and knowledge, with thought-provoking speeches that left a profound impact on the audience. The sisters from Kanz ul Huda spoke on the essential role of Prophetic love as the foundation of faith, the significance of womanhood in society, and the challenges women face today. Practical guidance from the Qur’an, Sunnah, and works of Shaykh Saqib was shared, offering solutions to overcome any obstacles in our Deen, while emphasising Allah’s boundless mercy and the opportunity for personal transformation, regardless of one’s past.

Inspiring Speeches and Personal Transformation

These speeches not only inspired but also kindled in all present a renewed love for the Prophet ﷺ, framing it as a means for personal purification, self-development, and social reform. It was truly uplifting to witness such a diverse gathering of women, across different ages, ethnicities, and walks of life, attending to enrich their understanding of the religion. Many sisters, initially unfamiliar or tentative about the Mawlid, attended through their connection with Shaykh Saqib’s weekly Tafsir al-Qur’an lectures and left with a deepened appreciation of the Mawlid, shaped by the uniquely spiritual environment at Kanz ul Huda.

Prophetic Teachings and Personal Growth

The gathering also highlighted the teachings of the Prophet ﷺ and encouraged all to integrate those values into their daily lives, following the Manhaj of Kanz ul Huda. Attendees had the opportunity to benefit from the literary works of Shaykh Saqib Iqbal, including his latest publications on willpower development and its practical strategies, as well as two spiritual litanies, Al-Kibreet al-Ahmar and Al-Musaba’aat al-Ashr, all revolving around fostering personal mental and spiritual growth.

A Welcoming Space for Mothers and Children

To support mothers, a creche provided engaging and educational activities for children under the supervision of trained staff, allowing the women to immerse themselves in the spiritual atmosphere. Throughout the event, Kanz ul Huda’s dedicated security team ensured a safe and private environment, allowing everyone to focus on their faith without distraction.

Mental Health Support for Sisters

Additionally, the Mawlid introduced the upcoming Safe Spaces mental health and drop-in sessions, which will be run by the sisters of Kanz ul Huda in the coming week. The announcement was met with great enthusiasm, as attendees expressed eagerness for these sessions, which will offer a supportive environment for women to discuss personal challenges and mental health concerns. These sessions ensure ongoing care and community engagement long after the event. This reflects the mission of Kanz ul Huda, which not only nurtures spirituality but also provides knowledge, compassion, and holistic care.

A Night of Faith, Love, and Sisterhood

The sisters’ Mawlid celebration at Kanz ul Huda was an unforgettable evening of faith, love, and sisterhood. It revived hearts, strengthened bonds, and instilled in all a renewed sense of purpose and connection to the beloved ﷺ. The unique atmosphere, carefully crafted to ensure a private and serene space, allowed attendees to fully immerse themselves in worship and reflection. May Allah bless all those who organised and attended this beautiful and spiritually uplifting event. Read More Here

Previous Grand Mawlid at Kanz ul Huda: A Night of Spiritual Upliftment and Community Engagement

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