Mureed Info

Spiritual Path (Tarīqah)

A tarīqah is the path of spirituality that a sālik (seeker) travels to gain the closeness of Almighty Allāh and Sayyidunā RasūlAllah ﷺ. A spiritual path is not chosen by the individual, rather the individual is chosen by the spiritual path. It is not through one’s own effort that he/she achieves something in life but instead it is through the mercy of Almighty Allāh. The spiritual commitment found at the core of all turuq’ (spiritual paths) originated from Sayyidunā RasūlAllāh ﷺ and was endowed upon the hearts of the companions by way of His ﷺ perfect example and tarbiyyah (systematic development). With the spread of Islam, it was transmitted from Sayyidunā RasūlAllāh ﷺ, heart to heart by means of various living examples (spiritual masters) from generation to generation, branching into every corner of the world and reaching every crevice with the treasure of true guidance, Islam. This path that has chosen you is known as: Silsīlah Ālīyyah Chishtīyyah Sāqibīyyah, the order of the esteemed Chishtī Saqibī’s.


Upon initiating into the tarīqah by way of performing bai’ah, the individual repents from all sins committed in the past thus washing away any impurity. Bai’ah is an established tradition performed to gain steadfastness in this repentance and a means of connecting one’s heart to the chain of the pious thus gaining consistency in the tenets of Islam. It commences with a firm intention and utterance of the words of bai’ah, and it is an oath of allegiance made by a seeker of ma’rifah that connects him/her to the spiritual path. In performing bai’ah on the hands of a reputable scholar and guide, one takes the first step towards the spiritual closeness of Almighty Allāh, and the doors of spirituality are opened. This practice emulates the noble companions who gave bai’ah and their allegiance to Sayyidunā RasūlAllāh ﷺ.

After performing bai’ah, it is vital that one adheres to all the necessary aspects of deen and abstains from committing any types of sins in order to progress towards the ma’rifah of Almighty Allāh and the mahabbah of Sayyidunā RasūlAllāh ﷺ. If you have missed any prayers, the fasts of ramadhan or zakāt, atone for them by way of performing qadhā umrī, fasting & giving in the path of Almighty Allāh, what is owed.

What is the Significance of Kanz ul Hudā in the Tarīqah?

Kanz ul Hudā is the synthesis between faith and action. The first gentle push towards proactive motion, it is the catalyst for both personal and social change. It is the realm of activity where the murīd (spiritual disciple) enhances his/her journey through conscious effort in the servitude of the creator as well as the creation for the disciple to progress as a true Sālik (traveller) on the spiritual path. Kanz ul Hudā facilities a unique environment for the spiritual disciple to sincerely practice his faith as it provides the means of attaining knowledge and tarbiyyah (spiritual developmental training) and the implementation of it through the niqāt (tenets) of the organisation. Spiritual growth is achieved through implementing the organisational structure of Kanz ul Hudā. To provide maximum benefit to humanity (and an individual’s spiritual progress), the Prophetic ﷺ traditions of da’wah (invitation) & khidmatul khalq (service to the creation) act as the practical means of implementing the methodology needed for the propagation of Islam and the advancement of its social, ethical, and humanitarian values.

The tarīqah (spiritual path) and the jamāt (the organisation of Kanz ul Hudā) go hand in hand, however it is important to remember that within the jamāt not every person will belong to the same spiritual order. That is because the inclusive and practical framework of Kanz ul Hudā, attracts seekers from all turuq’ and backgrounds as it does not discriminate between any lover of Almighty Allāh and His beloved Messenger, Sayyidunā RasūlAllāh ﷺ.